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Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  2004-12-24  |  1KB  |  29 lines

  1. :BASE Help.hlp
  2. 1 Introducing Sateira CD&DVD Burner=IntroducingSateiraCDDVDBur@Help.hlp
  3. 1 License agreement=Licenseaggreement@Help.hlp
  4. 1 Trial limitations=Triallimitations@Help.hlp
  5. 1 How to buy=Howtobuy@Help.hlp
  6. 1 The User Interface (Overview)
  7. 2 Data Burner=DataBurner@Help.hlp
  8. 1 Working with Sateira CD&DVD Burner
  9. 2 Data Project
  10. 3 Data Project=DataProject@Help.hlp
  11. 3 Burning options=BurningOptions@Help.hlp
  12. 3 Recorder and disc information=Recorderanddiscinformation@Help.hlp
  13. 3 Preparing data=Preparingdata@Help.hlp
  14. 3 Disc layout editor=Disclayouteditor@Help.hlp
  15. 3 Toolbar=Toolbar@Help.hlp
  16. 3 Main menu=Mainmenu@Help.hlp
  17. 1 Fast Backup=FastBackup@Help.hlp
  18. 2 Image Project=BurnCUEBIN@Help.hlp
  19. 2 Browse Sessions=BrowseSessions@Help.hlp
  20. 1 How to...
  21. 2 Creating a data disc=Creatingadatadisc@Help.hlp
  22. 2 Creating a bootable disc=Creatingabootabledisc@Help.hlp
  23. 2 Creating a multisession disc=Creatingamultisessiondisc@Help.hlp
  24. 2 Creating an ISO image=CreatinganISOimage@Help.hlp
  25. 2 Burning a bootable ISO image=BurningabootableISOimage@Help.hlp
  26. 1 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
  27. 2 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)=FAQ(FrequentlyAskedQuestion2@Help.hlp
  28. 2 What's new (v1.7)=What'snew@Help.hlp